Should you hire a brand photographer or DIY (do it yourself)? ????
The answer is both! I bet it must be overwhelming to have to always think about marketing and promoting your business. But as small business owners, we need to. And if you don’t have a strategy for creating content I can show you how.
As a branding photographer, I work with all sorts of brands that need to create content on a regular basis. The only thing is that most people don’t have a big budget to hire a photographer monthly. And if you do have the budget to hire a photographer to help you create content, then good for you!
But if you are someone who doesn’t have the budget to hire someone to create content for you all the time, then you need to know how to create the content on your own. And I can show you how in my online course Boss Up Your Selfie.
When should you hire a photographer for your brand shoot?
- When you have a new product or a launch coming out and you want it to look highly professional.
- When you’re rebranding.
- When you’re in need of a headshot.
- When you’re wanting to up-level your brand.
- When you have the budget to pay someone to create content for your business.
When should I DIY my photos?
- When you’re just starting out in your business and you don’t have a budget to hire a photographer.
- When you need to constantly have new and fresh content on your blog and social media daily or weekly.
- When you have new products that need to be photographed for your e-commerce shop.
- When you’re traveling and don’t have a photographer with you.
- When you want to show the behind-the-scenes of your business.
- When you want to maintian your social media with contnet that feels authentic and not so perfect.
In the end, the goal is to earn more money so you can afford to pay a professional to help you create beautiful imagery. Until then you can just start creating your content on your own from home or where ever you are in the world. And I will show you how in my online course Boss Up Your Selfie.