Today I have brand designer and strategist Elle Baron on the show and we started working together by collaborating with brand design and photography for our clients in Stockholm Sweden. We know how important it is to have an elevated brand and that comes with good web design and good branded photos that help you […]
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Have you ever wondered what kind of images you should have for your personal brand photoshoot? Props are a great way to show off the different aspects of your business and personality. You can tell stories with your photos which will help you to build your brand and connect with your potential customers. I’ve worked […]
E-Commerce Branding with Studio Heijne A couple of weeks ago I got to photograph Studio Hijne’s clothing for her e-commerce store. Wendy just lunched some new styles and products for her shop which included a new jean line and new patterns that you could customize with her clothes. We started at 8 a.m. and shot […]
The concept to photo shoot template will make the brand shoot planning process smooth and easy to plan with your clients, allowing you to charge more for your services.
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